SD RGM-96X Jesta Gundam Papercraft

This paper craft model is for an SD RGM-96X Jesta Gundam papercraft template.  This is an SD version (Super Deformed)  of the RMG-96X Jesta gundam aka the JESTA.

The RGM-96X Jesta is a specialized escort and special operations mobile suit featured in Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn. The RGM-96X is based on the RGM-89 Jegan and is used by the Earth Federation.

To give due credit, this papercraft model template is designed by Josey Labo (Joshi).  And this SD RGM-96X Jesta Gundam papercraft model template is available in PDF and PDO versions with a few download links to choose from below.

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SD RGM-96X JESTA Gundam Papercraft Model Template
(Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn)

In UC 0096, 12 RGM-96X Jesta units are assigned to the Ra Cailum mobile suit team for testing and evaluation, including the Londo Bell and its elite MS team, the Tri-Stars.

In UC 0096, three Jesta units, piloted by the Londo Bell "Tri-Star" team were deployed on Base Jabbers during the Zeon assault on Torrington Base. The three Jesta units along with other Federation forces pushed back and eventually destroyed the Zeon attackers.

Download the SD RGM-96X Jesta Gundam  (Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn) Papercraft Model Template

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Some info about the RGM-96X Jesta Gundam :

The Jesta is a high performance special operations mobile suit of the Jegan series developed by Anaheim Electronics to escort the RX-0 Unicorn Gundam, as the Unicorn Gundam's operating time in its Destroy Mode is limited. Furthermore, aside from escorting the Unicorn Gundam, the Jesta's intended mission is to dispatch ordinary enemy forces. By eliminating ordinary non-Newtype enemy forces, the Jesta attempts to produce "situations" in which the Unicorn Gundam can directly confront and destroy enemy Newtype weapons.

The Jesta is fitted with a redesigned backpack capable of tremendous thrust for the sake of keeping up with the Unicorn Gundam. Although the Jesta's weapon loadout is similar to the Jegan's, the Jesta features improved and more advanced weapons. Examples of the Jesta's superior armaments include the Jesta's more advanced beam rifle and backpack-mounted movable shield, which like the Jegan's arm-mounted shield, contains four missiles. In addition to having more advanced weaponry over the Jegan, the Jesta also has three spare energy caps mounted on the unit's right forearm, and a beam saber on its left forearm for easier access.

Despite the fact that the Jesta is intended to be an escort unit, its performance surpasses most Federation mobile suits of its time. The Jesta is essentially a product of the UC Project, however this fact has been kept hidden even within the Earth Federation military organization.

Info source :

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